Since 1985, Scott has been counsel to thousands of New Hampshire and Massachusetts businesses.
Scott takes great pride in his writing and document drafting expertise.
We are able to handle virtually any type or size transaction in which most businesses engage.
We represent buyers and sellers in all types of on-going business sales and acquisitions.
Flegal Law Office is a boutique firm whose practice is focused on representing business owners.
Flegal Law Office, P.A. is proud to be a member of the Southern New Hampshire Strategic Law Firm Alliance. Comprised of four established independent law firms with different practice areas, the Alliance provides clients with easy access to experienced counsel in other areas that are often relevant to our clients. Each member firm is located at 159 Main Street, Nashua, New Hampshire. Our firms share office space and some resources but are independent from one another. The Alliance generates significant value for our clients not only in the form of referrals, but through the ability of the participating lawyer to confer with one another on client matters when issues arise in an area outside one firm’s areas of expertise.